

十分之一奉獻是神賜給蒙受耶穌基督寶血所灑的基督徒的恩典。(羅馬書 8: 32)
借著奉獻基督徒表明自己是天國的大有盼望的子民。(馬太福音 6: 19-23)
感謝耶穌基督救贖我們脫離虛假和貪婪。(提摩太前書 6: 10)
順服聖靈甘心樂意的奉獻是基督徒生命成長成聖的不可缺少一部分。(馬太福音 6: 24)


Tithe is one of Christian’s actions to worship God. 

Tithe is grace God grants to Christians who are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:32) 

Through giving Christians declare that we are heavenly citizens with great hope. (Matthew 6:19-23) 

Thank Jesus Christ for saving us from greed and falsehood. (1Timothy 6:10) 

Willing and joyful giving out of the obedience to the Holy Spirit is indispensable part  of Christian’s growth and sanctification. (Matthew 6:24)

請通過您的銀行帳戶 Zelle 奉獻, 通過教會電郵地址 -stlcbc4christ@gmail.com 奉獻至
St. Louis Chinese Baptist Church 賬號

您也可以寫支票至:STLCBC 地址: 908 Jungermann Road, Saint Peters, MO 63376

Please send the offering via Zelle from your bank account, use the church email address –
stlcbc4christ@gmail.com and St Louis Chinese Baptist Church.
Please write the check to STLCBC and mail to us at STLCBC,
the address is 908 Jungermann Road,  Saint Peters, MO 63376
Place the offerings to the Offering  box at the front lobby.