陳海全牧師 Pastor Mark Haiquan Chen

過去兩年我們聖路易斯華人浸信會一直在追求一個永久牧師。這是對我們非常大的挑戰。兩年來徐肇基牧師來回堪薩斯城之間長跑的艱苦, 給予了我們很多的啟發和指導,去年十二月,我們決定來年聘牧為重點工作。二月聘牧委員會重新啟動。在接下來的四個月中,我們收到了六名候選人申請職位。隨著我們會眾一致的投票通過,六月十七日,陳牧師和家人被邀請到我們教會面試和十八日在父親節講道。在主的恩典下,七月九日,我們的會眾再次一致通過了任命陳牧師成為我們新牧師的決議。我們對上帝感激非常,我們的願望終於實現了。
陳海全牧師1973年出生於中國湖北。 1993年畢業於湖北文理學院後, 任教於襄陽縣第三中學英語教師 。 1998年,他在湖北大學攻讀中國古代歷史系碩士學位。畢業後,他被聘為廣東潮州韓山師範學院歷史講師。 2002年,他來到美國夏威夷大學的攻讀博士。接下來的一年,蒙神呼召並被國際浸信會團契一致推薦去讀神學,得到夏威夷Shiraki紀念基金會支持, 進入德州西南浸信會神學院。他於2007年獲得道學碩士學位。
陳牧師於2008年1月與趙小朋 (Anna)姊妹結婚。同年蒙神帶領來到深圳寶安福永鎮的一個小村莊傳福音, 開闢建立城市福音教會, 經過七年的努力耕耘,從一家人開始,直到他決定再來美深造為止,教會大約有80人固定聚會,可說是非常難能可貴。 2010年7月,陳牧師被中國基督教海外使團按立,成為城市福音教會的牧師。
2016年,蒙主帶領,陳牧師被邀請到德州海灣華人教會 擔任代理牧師。期間負責講道事工,部分主日學和探訪服侍。
陳牧師一家目前育有三個可愛的女兒, Sheena, Esther 和Hannah。
Our St. Louis Chinese Baptist Church has been pursuing a regular pastor for over two years. It was a struggle for us. With much inspiration and guidance by Pastor George Hsu who has devoted his time for the past two years commuting from Kansas City, last December we put the pastor searching on the front burner. In February the Pastor Search Committee was reactivated. In the following four months we received six candidates who applied for the post. With the unanimous vote by our congregation, on June 17th Pastor Mark Chen and the family were invited to our church for an interview. Pastor Chen also gave a sermon on Father’s Day June 18th. By the grace of our Lord, on July 9th our congregation again unanimously passed the resolution of appointing Pastor Chen to be our new pastor. We feel so thankful for God that the reality of our wish finally came true.
Pastor Mark Chen was born in 1973 in Hubei, China. After graduating from the Hubei University of Arts and Technology in 1993, he taught English at the Third Middle School of Xiangyang County. In 1998 he pursued a Master Degree of Ancient Chinese History at Hubei University. Upon graduation, he was hired as a history lecturer at the Hanshan Teachers’ College in Chaozhou, Guangdong. In 2002 he came to the United States as a doctoral student at the University of Hawaii. The following year after receiving Jesus Christ as his personal savior and answering to the Lord’s calling, he was unanimously recommended by the International Baptist Fellowship to enter the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth Texas supported by the Shiraki Memorial Foundation. He graduated in 2007 with the Master Degree of Divinity.
In July 2007 Pastor Chen was commissioned by the Northwestern Chinese Church of Austin Texas to China, where he taught Bible classes in Taiyuan House Church Seminary in the Province of Shanxi.
Pastor Chen married Anna Zhao in January 2008. The same year the couple was guided by God to settle down in a small village at the Baoan District of the City of Shenzhen in Southern China, where they started to build the City Gospel Church with the vision to excel discipleship in the community. During the seven years of cultivation and hard work with limited resources, the church started with one family and evolved to eighty regular members. In July 2010 Pastor Chen was ordained by China Christian Overseas Mission and became the Pastor of the City Gospel Church.
In 2014 Pastor Chen returned to the United States to study Systematic Theology in Calvin Theological Seminary at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Then in January 2015, he transferred to the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri to enroll in a doctoral program of Biblical Theology.
In 2016, guided by the Lord, Pastor Chen was invited to take up the interim pastor position at the Galveston Chinese Church in Texas until July this year.
Pastor Chen has three lovely daughters, Sheena, Ester and Hannah.